I need to use the total of my running total in group 1 in the formula group 2 to calcalute the percentage.
Formula 1 (in my header):
whileprintingrecords; shared numbervar RunA; RunA:=0
Formula 2 (in my details):
whileprintingrecords; shared numbervar RunA; RunA:= RunA + {@usdequiv}
Formula 3 (in my footer):
whileprintingrecords; shared numbervar RunA; RunA
Results when printing:
Group2 Amount Percentage
Bank 1 1000.00 7.14% (1000/14000)
Bank 2 2000.00 14.28% (2000/14000)
Bank 3 4000.00 28.57% (4000/14000)
Bank 4 7000.00 50.00% (7000/14000)
Group1 TOTAL 14000.00
I need to calculate the Percentage amounts, which I've added above, but can't get the total (formula 3) into my calculations. It just keeps on reading the running total.
My amount field I could not do a summary on so had to create the running total.