
Is there a way to manually fire existing Xcode bots using shell scripts? I have a manual bot and I'd like to fire it based on certain custom logic criteria.


2 Answers



You'll need to do a couple of things: Firstly, I'm going to call your Xcode Server's IP address XCS_IP, usually localhost if you're on the machine where Xcode Server's running.

  • Find out the ID of the bot: in Terminal, run curl -k "https://XCS_IP:20343/api/bots". Copy the output to some editor and find the value for key _id for your bot, will be something like 6b3de48352a8126ce7e08ecf85093613. Let's call it BOT_ID.

  • Trigger an integration by running curl -k -X POST -u "username:password" "https://XCS_IP:20343/api/bots/BOT_ID/integrations" -i

Where username and password are credentials of a user that is allowed to create bots on the server, an admin will do.

If you're interested in more details, I have an app in Swift that uses that API and many more: https://github.com/czechboy0/Buildasaur/blob/master/BuildaCIServer/XcodeServer.swift#L324

And checkout my article on how to find Xcode Server's API "documentation": http://honzadvorsky.com/blog/2015/5/4/under-the-hood-of-xcode-server.

TL;DR? On your Mac, look at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/share/xcs/xcsd/routes/routes.js, where you can find the available APIs.

Hope this helped.


Apple has added documentation for the Xcode server API that you can use to trigger bots.


Below is some example code on how you can make a python script that triggers a bot.

import requests

xcodeIP = ''

def main():
    botName = "name of bot"

def runBot(botName):
    requests.post(xcodeIP + '/api/bots/' + getBot(botName)["_id"] + '/integrations', auth=('username', 'password'), verify=False)

def getBot(botName):
    botIDRequest = requests.get(xcodeIP + '/api/bots', auth=('username', 'password'), verify=False)
    bots = botIDRequest.json()["results"]
    for bot in bots:
        if bot["name"] == botName:
            return bot

if __name__ == "__main__":