I'm learning laravel atm and trying to implement a twitter style follower feed. So far I have the following
standard users table (id, username ect)
subscriptions (aka followers) table that contains user_id, subscriber_id, timestamps
My User model contains the following relationship
public function subscriptions()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'subscriptions', 'user_id', 'subscriber_id')->withTimestamps();
public function subscribers()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'subscriptions', 'subscriber_id', 'user_id')->withTimestamps();
I am now trying to load a users list of subscriptions ie. User 14 follows user 15
$subscriber = Auth::user()->id;
$user = User::find($subscriber);
$userids = $user->subscriptions->lists('user_id');
return $userids;
I use this code to fetch the current logged in user and find their subscriptions. $userids should return a list of IDs that the current logged in user is subscribed to. However it just produces an empty array despite the records existing in the DB. (it should return 15, but returns only [] )
Am I going wrong somehere or missing out on something?