I am currently running Enthought Canopy version 1.5.2 full version, through an academic license at a 64bit Windows 7. I was a happy user for a couple months until a 'pythonw.exe has stopped working' issue rendered the software useless. This issue shows up when I open the editor (Ipython+Canopy's GUI) and does not allows me to use the software at all. I have tried the following solutions without luck:
Fresh install deleting several folders manually (https://support.enthought.com/hc/en-us/articles/204469700-Uninstalling-and-resetting-Canopy)
Fresh install+clearing python registry keys under hkeys_user and hkey_system and pythonw.exe related keys into windows regedit.exe (Problems in fully uninstalling Python 2.7 from Windows 7)
My second try actually gave me a false sense of victory, when Canopy worked for a couple hours, until the same issue happened taking all hope with it.
I don't know what to do anymore, any help would be much appreciated.