I have been using Enthought Canopy for quite a while now with the academic license. Till today it was working fine, today I got the request to update Canopy. I assume to version 1.7 since that seems to be the latest. After installing and restarting the computer no error message but Canopy does not open anymore. Just nothing happens when I try to open Canopy, Package Manager, Code Editor nevertheless the Canopy cmd seem to be fine.
Now it is getting interesting, I can still start Ipython/Jupyter notebooks via regular win cmd and run python scripts with Canopy. Although the files are no longer marked as to be opened by canopy with the blueish symbol and do not open on click or double click as before.
import sys
print sys.prefix
Consequently, I can work and I am hesistant to try fixes since I am afraid to make it even worse. Reinstall is is only okay if I can get back all my installed libraries with ease.
However, I found very convenient to use canopy since I was able to start ipython notebooks directly in the file explorer by double click instead of going through the cmd. Furthermore, the Package Manager is also a quite handy tool, I really would like to have both back working fully.
Thank you for your suggestions:
Windows 8, 64-bit operating system
Installed Version of Canopy:
(consistent in sys path and control panel - program and features)
. Also, to help us understand context, please explain why you are using 32-bit Python on a 64-bit system, and include the output of typingset | sort
at the Command Prompt. – Jonathan March