in my download there is no chrome.dpr
I do svn from here delphichromiumembedded
svn checkout
I have Rad 2007 only on my Windows 2000 Computer
and I can only show you my installation process, with Delphi 7 package.
- Goto your
there you run chromium.bat
- RAD Studio -> Open project -> DCEF_D7.dpk (not DCEF_D7.dproj)
- right click on
do a compile
and a install

New palette Chromium

Test : ... chromiumembedded\demos\guiclient\guiclient.dpr
With the newest downloaded I got the same error File not found: cefgui.dcu
I got it to compile with the following steps.
- Download the four .dcu's from here
They are from the older chromiumembedded.
- Put them into the src and packages folder.
- Compile
- Minimize the IDE
- Open
- Open cefgui.pas, ceflib.pas, cefvcl.pas, cefreg.pas in Notepad
- change the 4 files somewhat. (one, two letter is enough). Best, top in the comment. Save the files.
- Go back to the IDE
- Delphi inform you that files are changed outside the IDE : The question reload confirm with yes, the demand for renew the memory, also.
- Compile and you are done.
- if you want you can undo the changes at the four .pas files.
But beware: if you do a clean
, then the four .dcu files will be deleted.