I installed DCPCrypt on Delphi 2010. I opened the Delphi2009.dpk, compiled it and then used the Component->Install Packages and then pressed "Add". I browsed through the DCPDelphi2009.bpl and the component showed on the next restart. But then, when I try this:
function TForm1.EncryptThis(aString : string) : string;
Cipher: TDCP_cast256;
KeyStr: string;
KeyStr:= 'AcceleratedKeyString';
Cipher:= TDCP_cast256.Create(Self);
result := Cipher.EncryptString(aString);
It outputs the following error:
[DCC Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'DCPCAST256.dcu'.
I think I could fix this by copying the DCU file to my project's directory but I'd have to do that in every project?
When I open a .dpk file, it does not prompts me with an "Install" option. And if that can help, when I go to "Install Packages", if I press the edit button I get this: Unable to edit package "blablabla.bpl. The source could not be found.
And that, on any packages including those that come with Delphi. This is for an in-house app.