I want to automate several tasks (eg. simulate eclipse style ctrl-shift-R open dialog for other editors). The general pattern is: the user will press some key combination, my program will detect it and potentially pop up a dialog to get user input, and then run a corresponding command, typically by running an executable.
My target environment is windows, although cross-platform would be nice. My program would be started once, read a configuration file, and sit in the background till triggered by a key combination or other event.
Basically autohotkey.
Why not just use autohotkey? I actually have quite a few autohotkey macros, but I'd prefer to use a saner language.
My question is: is there a good way to have a background python process detect key combinations?
Update: found the answer using pyHook and the win32 extensions:
import pyHook
import pythoncom
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
print event.Ascii
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
while True: