I'm running MySQL as the database on Ubuntu instances. I'm using MySQL Master-Slave replication where master's changes will be written to slave and slave's changes will not be reflected on the master. That's fine. I'm using a HAProxy load balancer to front the MySQL instances where all the requests will be sent to master MySQL instance. If the master MySQL instance is down slave MySQL instance will act as master and HAProxy will send all the requests to salve. Active-Passive scenario.
HAProxy - 192.168.A.ABC
MySQL Master - 192.168.A.ABD
MySQL Slave - 192.168.A.ABE
Let's assume that the MySQL master(192.168.A.ABD) is down. Now all the requests will be sent to MySQL slave(192.168.A.ABE) by HAProxy where now he acts as the master MySQL server for the time being.
My problems are
- What happens when original master MySQL instance(192.168.A.ABD) is up?
- Will changes written to new MySQL master (192.168.A.ABE) be replicated to original master(192.168.A.ABD) again?
How should I address this scenario?