
Currently I have normal MySQL Master - Slave configured. For ex :- Server 1 as Master and Server 2 as Slave. Now I want Server 2 as Master (Which is already a slave for Server 1) and Server 3 as Slave.

I have setup replication between Server 2 as Master and server 3 as Slave. But the replication changes which happens on server 2 are not getting replicated on Server 3.

If I add a new table on Server 2 using Create table on Server 1 then it gets create on Server 2 but I want it to get created on Server 3 as well...... Is there any param which I need to set for this.

Please help.... I need to setup this kind of replication where whatever is getting replicated on Server 2 should get replicated to Server 3


1 Answers


add --log-slave-updates to the Server2