Last year I posted an analysis of user activity to Meta Stack Overflow, including a series of ggplot2 graphs. However, Wooble greatly shamed me by pointing out a fatal flaw with my plots:
Freehand red circles are of course necessary in any plot on Meta Stack Overflow, but to my dismay I could not find a way to add them to a ggplot2 graph. I know how to add a circle, but such an artificial construct has no personality and would never pass muster on Meta.
As a reproducible example, consider this plot of my own answering activity over time, created using the stackr package:
# devtools::install_github("dgrtwo/stackr")
answers <- stack_users(712603, "answers", num_pages = 10, pagesize = 100)
answers_per_month <- answers %>%
mutate(month = round_date(creation_date, "month")) %>%
ggplot(answers_per_month, aes(month, n)) + geom_line()
This plot is informative enough, but it has no soul. How can I add freehand red circles to it?