
I have a ejabberd 15.03 server in a centOS virtual machine and i need to implement an external authentification method with php against SQL server. The official documentation shows a php/mysql example php/mysql external authentification

Are there a method to change this example to php/sqlserver and functions such as mysql_ping.

Here is an example i wrote and put it under /opt/auth/ and configured ejabberd.yml to execute is as external authentification.

$auth = new JabberAuth();
$auth->dbhost = "hostIP";
$auth->dbuser = "user";
$auth->dbpass = "pass";
$auth->dbbase = "databaseName";

$auth->play(); // We simply start process !

class JabberAuth {
    var $dbhost; 
    var $dbuser; 
    var $dbpass;
    var $dbbase; 

    var $debug      = false;                      /* Debug mode */
    var $debugfile  = "/opt/auth/log/pipe-debug.log";  /* Debug output */
    var $logging    = false;                      /* Do we log requests ? */
    var $logfile    = "/opt/auth/log/pipe-log.log" ;   /* Log file ... */
     * For both debug and logging, ejabberd have to be able to write.

    var $jabber_user;   /* This is the jabber user passed to the script. filled by $this->command() */
    var $jabber_pass;   /* This is the jabber user password passed to the script. filled by $this->command() */
    var $jabber_server; /* This is the jabber server passed to the script. filled by $this->command(). Useful for VirtualHosts */
    var $jid;           /* Simply the JID, if you need it, you have to fill. */
    var $data;          /* This is what SM component send to us. */

    var $dateformat = "M d H:i:s"; /* Check date() for string format. */
    var $command; /* This is the command sent ... */
    var $mysock;  /* MySQL connection ressource */
    var $stdin;   /* stdin file pointer */
    var $stdout;  /* stdout file pointer */

    function JabberAuth()
        @openlog("pipe-auth", LOG_NDELAY, LOG_SYSLOG);

        if($this->debug) {
            @ini_set("log_errors", "1");
            @ini_set("error_log", $this->debugfile);
        $this->logg("Starting pipe-auth ..."); // We notice that it's starting ...

    function stop()
        $this->logg("Shutting down ..."); // Sorry, have to go ...
        $this->closestd(); // Simply close files
        exit(0); // and exit cleanly

    function openstd()
        $this->stdout = @fopen("php://stdout", "w"); // We open STDOUT so we can read
        $this->stdin  = @fopen("php://stdin", "r"); // and STDIN so we can talk !

    function readstdin()
        $l      = @fgets($this->stdin, 3); // We take the length of string
        $length = @unpack("n", $l); // ejabberd give us something to play with ...
        $len    = $length["1"]; // and we now know how long to read.
        if($len > 0) { // if not, we'll fill logfile ... and disk full is just funny once
            $this->logg("Reading $len bytes ... "); // We notice ...
            $data   = @fgets($this->stdin, $len+1);
            // $data = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15", $data); // To be tested, not sure if still needed.
            $this->data = $data; // We set what we got.
            $this->logg("IN: ".$data);

    function closestd()
        @fclose($this->stdin); // We close everything ...

    function out($message)
        @fwrite($this->stdout, $message); // We reply ...
        $dump = @unpack("nn", $message);
        $dump = $dump["n"];
        $this->logg("OUT: ". $dump);

    function myalive()
        if(!is_resource($this->mysock) || !@mysql_ping($this->mysock)) { // check if we have a MySQL connection and if it's valid.
            $this->mysql(); // We try to reconnect if MySQL gone away ...
            return @mysql_ping($this->mysock); // we simply try again, to be sure ...
        } else {
            return true; // so good !

    function play()
        do {
            $this->readstdin(); // get data
            $length = strlen($this->data); // compute data length
            if($length > 0 ) { // for debug mainly ...
                $this->logg("GO: ".$this->data);
                $this->logg("data length is : ".$length);
            $ret = $this->command(); // play with data !
            $this->logg("RE: " . $ret); // this is what WE send.
            $this->out($ret); // send what we reply.
            $this->data = NULL; // more clean. ...
        } while (true);

    function command()
        $data = $this->splitcomm(); // This is an array, where each node is part of what SM sent to us :
        // 0 => the command,
        // and the others are arguments .. e.g. : user, server, password ...

        if($this->myalive()) { // Check we can play with MySQL
            if(strlen($data[0]) > 0 ) {
                $this->logg("Command was : ".$data[0]);
            switch($data[0]) {
                case "isuser": // this is the "isuser" command, used to check for user existance
                        $this->jabber_user = $data[1];
                        $parms = $data[1];  // only for logging purpose
                        $return = $this->checkuser();

                case "auth": // check login, password
                        $this->jabber_user = $data[1];
                        $this->jabber_pass = $data[3];
                        $parms = $data[1].":".$data[2].":".md5($data[3]); // only for logging purpose
                        $return = $this->checkpass();

                case "setpass":
                        $return = false; // We do not want jabber to be able to change password

                        $this->stop(); // if it's not something known, we have to leave.
                        // never had a problem with this using ejabberd, but might lead to problem ?

            $return = ($return) ? 1 : 0;

            if(strlen($data[0]) > 0 && strlen($parms) > 0) {
                $this->logg("Command : ".$data[0].":".$parms." ==> ".$return." ");
            return @pack("nn", 2, $return);
        } else {
            // $this->prevenir(); // Maybe useful to tell somewhere there's a problem ...
            return @pack("nn", 2, 0); // it's so bad.

    function checkpass()

$query = mssql_query("SELECT [attribute] FROM [DatabaseName].[dbo].[table] where (S_USERNAME='$this->jabber_user') AND  (SUBSTRING(S_PASSWORD,1,(LEN(S_PASSWORD)-3)))='$hash'");

// Check if there were any records
if (!mssql_num_rows($query)) {
    return false;
} else {
    return true;

    function checkuser()

$query = mssql_query("SELECT [attribute] FROM [DatabaseName].[dbo].[table] where S_USERNAME='$this->jabber_user'");

// Check if there were any records
if (!mssql_num_rows($query)) {
    return false;
} else {
    return true;


    function splitcomm() // simply split command and arugments into an array.
        return explode(":", $this->data);

    function mysql() // "MySQL abstraction", this opens a permanent MySQL connection, and fill the ressource

        $this->mysock = @mssql_pconnect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass);
        echo '1';
        @mssql_select_db($this->dbbase, $this->mysock);
        $this->logg("MsSql :: ". (is_resource($this->mysock) ? "Connecté" : "Déconnecté"));

    function logg($message) // pretty simple, using syslog.
    // some says it doesn't work ? perhaps, but AFAIR, it was working.
        if($this->logging) {
            @syslog(LOG_INFO, $message);

This did not make any php error. But in ejabberd.log i'm always getting 'extauth script has exitted abruptly with reason 'normal' '

This is the crash report in crash.log

2015-04-01 17:44:12 =CRASH REPORT==== crasher: initial call: ejabberd_http:init/2 pid: <0.8779.0> registered_name: [] exception error: bad argument: [{extauth,call_port,2,[{file,"src/extauth.erl"},{line,99}]},{ejabberd_auth_external,check_password_extauth,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_external.erl"},{line,182}]},{ejabberd_auth_external,check_password_external_cache,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_external.erl"},{line,244}]},{ejabberd_auth,check_password_loop,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,158}]},{ejabberd_auth,check_password,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,106}]},{ejabberd_web_admin,get_auth_account,5,[{file,"src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl"},{line,266}]},{ejabberd_web_admin,process,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl"},{line,221}]},{ejabberd_http,process,5,[{file,"src/ejabberd_http.erl"},{line,359}]}] ancestors: [ejabberd_http_sup,ejabberd_sup,<0.37.0>] messages: [] links: [<0.327.0>,#Port<0.12042>] dictionary: [{random_seed,{2036,6729,29501}}] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 2586 stack_size: 27 reductions: 1244 neighbours: 2015-04-01 17:44:12 =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== Supervisor: {local,ejabberd_http_sup} Context: child_terminated Reason: badarg Offender: [{pid,<0.8779.0>},{name,undefined},{mfargs,{ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined}},{restart_type,temporary},{shutdown,1000},{child_type,worker}]

It seem to be a misconfiguration error. This is what i added to ejabberd.yml

auth_method: external
extauth_program: "php -f /etc/ejabberd-15.03/auth_script.php"
extauth_cache: 600
extauth_instances: 3
You need to add debug to your script to know why and where it does exit.Mickaël Rémond
I exist 'error_reporting(E_ALL);' i did not added it in the code.Kassav'
So why are you exiting and where ?Mickaël Rémond
here is the crash.log fileKassav'
It seems that this script is valid only with previous versions of ejabberdKassav'

1 Answers


I think that recent version of ejabberd do not support SQL-server. So i finally moved to openfire with support many databases.