Nobody seems to have this question already so I asked it because I've spent a few hours trying to debug this and can't find a solution;
Essentially, I have a function called draw
, which is declared in my document class:
public function draw(Target: MovieClip,mX: int,mY: int,lX: int,lY: int):void {;,0x000000,1);,mY);,lY);
I call it later to draw two lines, on two different MovieClips:
draw(Line,Line.mX,Line.mY,Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2),Line.lY);
draw(nextLine,(Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2)),200,(Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2)),0);
var Line: MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var Mirror: MovieClip = new mirror();
and Mirror
is draggable, so Mirror.x
changes whenever it is dragged.
is a line made using .graphics
and Line.mX is equal to the
X value last time it was modified. Line.mY
is the same, but for the Y coordinate. I set these values by doing this:
Line.mX = 0;
Line.mY = 200;
Line.lX = 550;
Line.lY = 200;
But with whatever values I want to draw the line, with lX
and lY
being equal to the X and Y coordinates of
. Then I draw Line
using my draw
function like this:
Then it gets more complex because, actually, Line
is just one line in an array of lines, created like this:
public var lines = [line0,line1,line2,line3,line4,line5,line6,line7,line8];
and each of those lines is created like this (with 0 being replaced by the line's number, respectively):
public var line0: MovieClip = new MovieClip();
then I give each line a number and a name, add them to the stage and hide them like this:
for each(var setupLine:MovieClip in lines) {
setupLine.num = (lines.indexOf(setupLine)); = ('line' + setupLine.num);
setupLine.visible = false;
Then, after making line0
visible, because I need to see it at the start, I loop through each line in a function that runs on ENTER_FRAME
, and set the value of nextLine
to a different value each time I run the loop like this:
for each(var Line:MovieClip in lines) {
nextLine = this['line' + (Line.num + 1)];
Within that loop, I then loop through a few other arrays, then check for a collision with the selected Line
and another selected MovieClip from another array, which I wont go into or this question will be longer than the code for node.js.
So essentially, if the collision with the two MovieClips is present, I draw the line that I mentioned at the top of my question. But for some reason, although Line
draws correctly, nextLine
draws correctly, but a duplicate of it is drawn across the Y axis at 0, and stops where nextLine
is on the Y axis (nextLine
is vertical, so it has the same Y value at the start as at the end).
Even stranger, when I try to hide nextLine
if the collision with the two MovieClips is no longer present, using this code:
nextLine.visible = false;
it only hides the version of nextLine
that runs along the top of the stage, which I didn't even intend to create in the start.
here is a link to the current source code
Here is a link to the entire project files with the original source code
copy/paste the new source code from the pastebin link to get the new version
Thanks in advance,
class where inside that class you can encapsulate all the globe functionality/Properties. Same with the line and mirrors – BadFeelingAboutThis