
Nobody seems to have this question already so I asked it because I've spent a few hours trying to debug this and can't find a solution;

Essentially, I have a function called draw, which is declared in my document class:

public function draw(Target: MovieClip,mX: int,mY: int,lX: int,lY: int):void {

I call it later to draw two lines, on two different MovieClips:

draw(Line,Line.mX,Line.mY,Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2),Line.lY);
draw(nextLine,(Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2)),200,(Mirror.x + (Mirror.width / 2)),0);


var Line: MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var Mirror: MovieClip = new mirror();

and Mirror is draggable, so Mirror.x changes whenever it is dragged.

Line is a line made using .graphics and Line.mX is equal to the Line.graphics.moveTo X value last time it was modified. Line.mY is the same, but for the Y coordinate. I set these values by doing this:

Line.mX = 0;
Line.mY = 200;
Line.lX = 550; 
Line.lY = 200;

But with whatever values I want to draw the line, with lX and lY being equal to the X and Y coordinates of Line.graphics.lineTo. Then I draw Line using my draw function like this:


Then it gets more complex because, actually, Line is just one line in an array of lines, created like this:

public var lines = [line0,line1,line2,line3,line4,line5,line6,line7,line8];

and each of those lines is created like this (with 0 being replaced by the line's number, respectively):

public var line0: MovieClip = new MovieClip();

then I give each line a number and a name, add them to the stage and hide them like this:

for each(var setupLine:MovieClip in lines) {
    setupLine.num = (lines.indexOf(setupLine));
    setupLine.name = ('line' + setupLine.num);

    setupLine.visible = false;

Then, after making line0 visible, because I need to see it at the start, I loop through each line in a function that runs on ENTER_FRAME, and set the value of nextLine to a different value each time I run the loop like this:

for each(var Line:MovieClip in lines) {
    nextLine = this['line' + (Line.num + 1)];

Within that loop, I then loop through a few other arrays, then check for a collision with the selected Line and another selected MovieClip from another array, which I wont go into or this question will be longer than the code for node.js.

So essentially, if the collision with the two MovieClips is present, I draw the line that I mentioned at the top of my question. But for some reason, although Line draws correctly, nextLine draws correctly, but a duplicate of it is drawn across the Y axis at 0, and stops where nextLine is on the Y axis (nextLine is vertical, so it has the same Y value at the start as at the end).

Even stranger, when I try to hide nextLine if the collision with the two MovieClips is no longer present, using this code:

nextLine.visible = false;

it only hides the version of nextLine that runs along the top of the stage, which I didn't even intend to create in the start.

here is a link to the current source code
Here is a link to the entire project files with the original source code
copy/paste the new source code from the pastebin link to get the new version

Thanks in advance,


Update your question with all the contextual code, eg where you're doing your collisions, your enter frame handler, etc.BadFeelingAboutThis
@LDMS A bit confused about what you mean, but I added the source code because that's what I think you mean.Raph Hennessy
While all isn't necessary, it is helpful. That said that's a lot of superfluous code to sift through. Some tips, in AS3/Java/JS , standard practice is to make Class names start with a capital letter, and instances start with lowercase (you'll notice how Stackoverflow has code highlighting that assumes this practice) - makes everything more readable. (this is for future reference)BadFeelingAboutThis
You may want to explore the idea of using custom classes. really your program should have a Globe class where inside that class you can encapsulate all the globe functionality/Properties. Same with the line and mirrorsBadFeelingAboutThis
@LDMS about custom classes, I will incorporate them into my code, but I dont see how they will fix this problem right at the momentRaph Hennessy

1 Answers


I figured out how to do this, code is

package {

    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.utils.*;
    import flash.display.*;

    public class LightStage extends MovieClip {

        //import classes
        public var globeClass:Globe = new Globe();
        public var mirrorClass:Mirror = new Mirror();
        public var lineClass:Line = new Line();

        //create all stage objects
        public var curLine:Line
        public var nextLine:Line;

        public var curMirror:Mirror;

        //create containers
        public var mirrors:Vector.<Mirror> = new Vector.<Mirror>(); //a vector is an array, but every member has to be (or subclass) the specified class
        public var globes:Vector.<Globe> = new Vector.<Globe>();
        public var lines:Vector.<Line> = new Vector.<Line>();

        trace('lightstage: working');
        //create level object
        public var curLevel:int = -1;

        //create dependent variables
        public var kill: Boolean = true;

        //init function
        public function LightStage() {
            //setup MovieClips

            var i:int = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                mirrors.push(new Mirror());

            for (i = 0; i < 4;i++ ) {
                globes.push(new Globe());

            var tmpLine:Line;
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                tmpLine = new Line();

                tmpLine.visible = false;

            //create ENTER_FRAME listener

            //start the game

        //levelUp function
        public function levelUp() {

            curLine = lines[curLevel]; //set line to the current level 

            curLine.curX = 0; 
            curLine.curY = 200;
            curLine.draw(550, 200);

            curLine.visible = true;

            //show and position mirrors and globes
            curMirror = mirrors[curLevel];
            curMirror.x = 250;
            curMirror.y = 350;

            var curGlobe:Globe = globes[curLevel];
            curGlobe.x = 100;
            curGlobe.y = 50;

            //set mirror types

            trace("you are now on level " + (curLevel + 1) + "!");


        //ENTER_FRAME function
        public function enterFrame(event:Event) {
            //line1.visible = true;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < lines.length;i++){
                if (i < lines.length - 1) nextLine = lines[i + 1]; //check for out of bounds before assignment next line

                if (lines[i].visible == true) {
                    kill = true;
                    for each(var mirror:Mirror in mirrors) {
                        if (lines[i].visible && mirror.stage && mirror.hitTestObject(lines[i])) {  //for efficiency, do the hit test last in the if statement
                            for each(var globe:Globe in globes) {
                                //Looped through Mirrors and Lines and checked for collision - if collision is present, we loop through globes here

                                if (nextLine && nextLine.stage) {

                                //check for active globes
                                if (lines[i].visible && lines[i].hitTestObject(globe)) {
                                    //check if the selected line touches the selected globe - if it does then we will start the timer for that globe
                                    if (!globe.running){
                                        kill = false;
                                else {

                                switch(mirror.currentFrame) {
                                    case 1:

                                    case 2:
                                        //trace('live a life you will remember' + Math.random());
                                        if(nextLine) nextLine.visible = true;
                                        lines[i].draw(mirror.x + (mirror.width / 2),lines[i].curY);
                                        if (nextLine) {
                                            nextLine.curX = mirror.x + (mirror.width / 2);
                                            nextLine.curY = 200;
                                            nextLine.draw(mirror.x + (mirror.width / 2), 0);
                                        kill = false;
                                    case 3:
                                    case 4:
                                    case 5:
                                    case 6:
                                    case 7:
                                    case 8:
                                    case 9:
                                    case 10:
                                    case 11:
                                    case 12:
                                        kill = false;
                        else if (lines[i].visible && mirror.stage && lines[i].stage){
                            if (kill && nextLine){
                                nextLine.visible = false;


import flash.events.MouseEvent;
class Mirror extends MovieClip {
    trace('mirror: working');
    public function Mirror() {

    private function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
        //add the mouse up listener on the stage, that way it's consistent even if the user drags so fast that the mouse leaves the bounds of the mirror
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp, false, 0, true);

    private function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
        //we need to remove the listener from the stage now
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp, false);


import flash.display.Graphics;
class Line extends MovieClip {
    trace('line: working');
    public var curX:int;
    public var curY:int;

    public function Line():void {


    public function draw(toX:int,toY:int):void {
        graphics.lineTo(toX, toY);

        curX = toX;
        curY = toY;

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
class Globe extends MovieClip {
    trace('globe: working');
    private var timer:Timer = new Timer(3 * 100, 5);

    public function Globe():void {
        timer = new Timer(300, 5);
        timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, repeatShine, false, 0, true);

    public function reset():void {

    public function start():void {

    public function get running():Boolean { return timer.running; };

    private function repeatShine(e:TimerEvent):void {
