I'm drawing bitmaps of movieclips which I then feed into my hittest function to test for collisions. However, I'm not quite sure how i would add to the code below to take into account and draw bitmaps for movieclips which have been scaled and/or rotated. The below code obviously only works for non-transformed movieclips. I've included in comments code which i've already tried but to no success.
When adding the drawn bitmap to the stage, no matter whether the movieclip in question is transformed or not, the drawn bitmap is "cut off" and incorrectly drawn - it appears to only draw a section of it. However, this does not particularly affect the collision testing for the non-transformed movieclips, but has an adverse effect on transformed movieclips.
All of the movieclips I want to be drawn have been created through the graphics property.
//for example:
var mymc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var g:Graphics = mymc.graphics;
main code:
for each(var mc:MovieClip in impassable) {
//var bMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
//bMatrix.scale(mc.scaleX, mc.scaleY);
//bMatrix.rotate(mc.rotation * (Math.PI/180));
var bData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(mc.width, mc.height, true, 0);
//bData.draw(mc, bMatrix);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bData);
bitmap.x = mc.x;
bitmap.y = mc.y;
var HitTest:Number = newCollision(bitmap, centerX, centerY, 13.7);
Any thoughts? thanks
clone of a transformedDisplayObject
. It sounds like it might do what you need? (Though obviously you can get rid of the extra step of positioning theBitmap
on the stage). – David Mear