i am using ODE solver for solving my system of ODE. Now i also want to calculate sensitivity of various parameters by varying them. My basic ODE solver program is something like: Function:
function F = ODE_site(t,y)
%%Parameter block
k1b=1e5; %%and so on
%%Elementary rate block
and so on
%%Mass balance block
F=[ r1-r5-r78+r86 ;
and so on ];
%% End of function
The main ODE solver looks like:
optode = odeset('NonNegative',1:41,'Abstol',1E-20,'RelTol',1E-20);
y0(41) = 1;
%% Plus some other lines to plot the solution
%% End of ODE solver
Now, I want to introduce a for loop in the main solver but the problem is if i use for loop in the main solver, it cannot pass the command to the function. I tried to use global to assign the variable to all over the environment but it didn't work. How can i assign the for loop for both the ODE solver code and function? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Mamun