I am translating MATLAB code into Python, but before worrying about the translation I would like to understand how MATLAB and specifically its ODE15s solver are interpreting an equation.
I have a function script, which is called upon in the master script, and this function script contains the equation:
function testFun=testFunction(t,f,dmat,releasevec)
Within testFunction, t refers to time, f to the value I am solving for, dmat to the matrix of constants I am curious about, and releasevec to a vector of additional constants.
The ODE15s solver in the master script works its magic with the following lines:
for i=1:1461
[~,f]=ode15s(@(t, f) testFunction(t, f, ...
[dAremoval(i), dFWtoA(i), dSWtoA(i), dStoA(i), dFSedtoA(i), dSSedtoA(i); ...
dAtoFW(i), dFWremoval(i), dSWtoFW(i), dStoFW(i), dFSedtoFW(i), dSSedtoFW(i); ...
dAtoSW(i), dFWtoSW(i), dSWremoval(i), dStoSW(i), dFSedtoSW(i), dSSedtoSW(i); ...
dAtoS(i), dFWtoS(i), dSWtoS(i), dSremoval(i), dFSedtoS(i), dSSedtoS(i); ...
dAtoFSed(i), dFWtoFSed(i), dSWtoFSed(i), dStoFSed(i), dFSedremoval(i), dSSedtoFSed(i); ...
dAtoSSed(i), dFWtoSSed(i), dSWtoSSed(i), dStoSSed(i), dFSedtoSSed(i), dSSedremoval(i)], ...
[Arelease(i), FWrelease(i), SWrelease(i), Srelease(i), FSedrelease(i), SSedrelease(i)]), [i, i+1], fresults(:, i),options);
fresults(:, i + 1) = f(end, :).';
is a table initially of zeros that houses the f results. The options call odeset to get 'nonnegative' values. The d values matrix above is a 6x6 matrix. I already have all of the d values and release value calculated. My question is: how is ode15s performing the integration with a 6x6 matrix given in the testfunction equation? I have tried to solve this by hand, but have not been successful. Any help would be much appreciated!!
def func(y, t, params):
f = 5.75e-16
f = y
dmat, rvec = params
derivs = [(dmat*f)+rvec]
return derivs
# Parameters
dmat = np.array([[-1964977.10876756, 58831.976165, 39221.31744333, 1866923.81515922, 0.0, 0.0],
[58831.976165, -1.89800738e+09, 0.0, 1234.12447489, 21088.06180415, 14058.70786944],
[39221.31744333, 0.84352331, -7.59182852e+09, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1866923.81515922, 0.0, 0.0, -9.30598884e+08, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 21088.10183616, 0.0, 0.0, -1.15427010e+09, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 14058.73455744, 0.0, 0.0, -5.98519566e+09]], np.float)
new_d = np.ndarray.flatten(dmat)
rvec = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])
f = 5.75e-16
# Initial conditions for ODE
y0 = f
# Parameters for ODE
params = [dmat, rvec]
# Times
tStop = 2.0
tStart = 0.0
tStep = 1.0
t = np.arange(tStart, tStop, tStep)
# Call the ODE Solver
soln = odeint(func, y0, t, args=(params,))
#y = odeint(lambda y, t: func(y,t,params), y0, t)