
I start from this default theme (blucristal)

enter image description here

Now I want change the background of the editable input from white to (for example) yellow. How Can I do?

I would like use Ui theme designer but I can't find the correct property to change

I stumbled onto this question, and don't really know sapui/openui, but if you have access to CSS styles, the background is located on the class .sapMinputBaseInner so you would need something like this in css: .sapMInputBaseInner{background:yellow}; Didn't list as answer because I'm talking out of my ass. lolknocked loose
this question need's to be closeZEE

2 Answers


Any visual customization of standard controls can be done with help of CSS. Redefine property of standard class

  background-color: yellow  !important;

It will change background color for every intup. Or you can create your own CSS class

.UserClass .sapMInputBaseInner{
  background-color: yellow  !important;

And using method addStyleClass() add "UserClass" only to specific elements.


You may use CSS pseudo class for this purpose. Like this

form input[type=text]:focus{

It will change the background-color of textbox from white to red whenever you click on it.

Here is the example http://jsfiddle.net/e284q9fv/