
I want to define a parent view in Backbone which extends Backbone.View. All child views will inherit from the parent view. But everytime I make a new instance of a child view, I want a function in the parent view to execute. Here's an example (the fiddle is here):

    SimpleSample = {};

    SimpleSample.ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({

        initialize: function(){
            //always execute this
            console.log('in parent view initialise');

    SimpleSample.Child1 = SimpleSample.ParentView.extend({

        initialize: function(){
            console.log('in child 1 initialise');

    SimpleSample.Child2 = SimpleSample.ParentView.extend({


    SimpleSample.App = function(){
        this.start = function(){
            var child1 = new SimpleSample.Child1();
            var child2 = new SimpleSample.Child2();

        var app = new SimpleSample.App();

The output of this is, as you would expect:

in child 1 initialise
in parent view initialise

Because I have defined initialize() for Child1, the code in initialize() defined in ParentView does not run. I do not want to have to explicitly call a ParentView function from each child. Is it possible to always execute some code in ParentView every time there is a new instance of a view which inherits from ParentView?


3 Answers


We've been using the Backbone-Super plugin for over a year. Well-tested & easy to add to most projects. With it the sub-class's initialize would look something like this:

initialize: function(options) {
    console.log('in child 1 initialise');

It never calls the super-class "automatically", but it does make it easy enough to make the call correctly. It works with all methods too, not just initialize, so ...

set: function(attributes, options) {
     this._super(attributes, options);
     console.log('Child 1 just had "set" called');

You could override the constructor (in the parent view)

SimpleSample.ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({

   initialize: function(options){
       //always execute this
       console.log('in parent view initialise');

   constructor: function (options) {
       Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments);
       SimpleSample.ParentView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, options);


That takes care of calling the original constructor function from Backbone.View and also calls your initialize function.

Now your child views should be free to define their own initialize functions.


There is no real super in javascript.

You could call a function in the parent view explicit via the prototype object

SimpleSample.Child1 = SimpleSample.ParentView.extend({

    initialize: function(){
        console.log('in child 1 initialise');
