Find below Custon Code i have used for doing the operation i mentioned in the question(Edited a bit)
In "Custom Code Details" Add arguments. args[0] in code refers to the first argument added in "Custom Code Details".
package customcode;
import org.eclipse.hyades.test.common.event.VerdictEvent;
* @author unknown
public class Class implements {
* Instances of this will be created using the no-arg constructor.
public Class() {
* For javadoc of ICustomCode2 and ITestExecutionServices interfaces, select 'Help Contents' in the
* Help menu and select 'Extending Rational Performance Tester functionality' -> 'Extending test execution with custom code'
public String exec(ITestExecutionServices tes, String[] args) {
String L4_InitBalance = args[1];
String L1_InitBalance = args[0];
String L4_FinalBalance = args[3];
String L1_FinalBalance = args[2];
if((L4_InitBalance == L4_FinalBalanc)&&(L1_InitBalance == L1_FinalBalance))
tes.getTestLogManager().reportVerificationPoint("SFT PASSED",VerdictEvent.VERDICT_PASS,"SFT has PASSED");
tes.getTestLogManager().reportVerificationPoint("SFT FAILED",VerdictEvent.VERDICT_FAIL,"SFT has FAILED");
return null;