
Tool: IBM MobileFirst Test Workbench 6.3.0
OS: Windows 7

Problem: In MobileFirst app have a date field. When clicked, a calendar pops up and the user can select the day, month and year.

Instrumented the above app in Test Workbench so that Record and Playback can be done. When Date field is clicked in the instrumented app (while doing Record) calendar does not pop up. Keypad pops up.

Find below code written for the Date field.

<input class="fin-input fin-input-date ng-pristine" type="date" ng-model="creditCard.selectedFromDate" ng-change="creditCard.selectFromDate()"/>

Only JQuery Mobile & Dojo Mobile are supported. Is your calendar view coming from one of there 2 SDK ?dom
The code for calender is written in HTML, the view comes from web browser. It is not coming from the above SDK's.Design Trodd
can you share your app with me ? (if Android). I yes, send it my email pleasedom
yeah sure. Can you share your Email please ?Design Trodd
@RakeshManusani, you do not require dom's email address - just upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox. We shouldn't give you our emails addresses.Idan Adar

1 Answers


This may be a product defect. In order to resolve it you will need to open a PMR (support ticket).

As an IBM customer you will be able to do so by following these instructions: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639