
I have a cloud hosted VPS with Centos 6.6 + Direct Admin + PHP 5.6.6 installed by my hosting provider.

I need to have the MongoDB php driver installed to connect to an external mongoDB.

I tried the following installations:

Also yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php56 php-pecl-mongo does not do the trick

I have in /usr/lib64/php/modules/ the following modules: bz2.so, calendar.so, ctype.so, curl.so, exif.so, fileinfo.so, ftp.so, gettext.so, iconv.so, json.so, mongo.so, phar.so, sockets.so, tokenizer.so, zip.so

And in /etx/php.d/ the .ini files that are created for each module.

Installing mongo php driver on an old vps with centos 5.x was not a problem also not on Centos 6.2 with php 5.5. In these cases the mongo.so was located in the location /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-xxxxxx/ and had to add it manually to the php.ini

The hosting provider is not supporting any else than the default installation I got.

I really appreciate any help.



1 Answers


I found the solution in the comment of this answer https://serverfault.com/questions/589877/pecl-command-produces-long-list-of-errors PEAR had to be reinstalled from the remi-php56 repo because of PHP 5.6 running on the server. After that I could use pecl install mongo and copy the mongo.so to the /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-xxxxxx/ folder.

# php -m | grep -i mongo > mongo is running