I'm using the lib PayPal-PHP-SDK on Laravel 4
and I have a problem with showing the order details. I followed the steps from Paypal Web Checkout and it doesn't showing me the order details.
it says "You'll be able to see your order details before you pay."
- Image Link
This is the method when I get the link to the payment:
public function checkout()
$apiContext = new ApiContext($this->cred, 'Request' . time());
$payer = new Payer();
$amount = new Amount();
$transaction = new Transaction();
$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
$redirectUrls->setReturnUrl(URL::to('/') . '/payment/success/');
$redirectUrls->setCancelUrl(URL::to('/') . '/payment/cancel/');
$payment = new Payment();
print $payment->getApprovalLink();