
I have setup recurring payments in Paypal for my website using REST API. For one time payment, I know how to display transaction details by providing values for item_list (as in https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/). However I don't know what values we should provide so that recurring payment profile will be shown on checkout page as well. Right now the only information shown is subscription agreement description.

This is checkout page for one time payment with transaction detailsRecurring payments. No agreement details shown

How to add subscription details like recurring payment amount, initial payment amount etc to the checkout page? Thanks a million!

Post a sample call you're makingMachavity
I created a payment plan then billing agreement with the request content the same as request sample in PayPal Rest API reference [developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#create-a-plan]Thu
I have the same problem, @Thu did you find a solution to this ?Catalin

2 Answers


how about creating a custom checkout page? using the landing_page_type with Billing value can make it work with much more then just recurring payments display...


I have the exact same problem. This is how I deal with it for the moment:

I set the pricing information as string text into the description field of Agreement.

The down side is:

  • A maximum of 127 characters is allowed in the description field.
  • No format, no line break, just plain text.

But it is better than nothing.