So this is definitely related to the :hash_data option, specifically the :updated_at segment. Somehow the files are being saved to the S3 bucket with a different :updated_at value than Paperclip uses to read the file. Could this be due to some race condition, considering that it occurs intermittently? As I mentioned below, this issue began after upgrading Paperclip to 4.2.1.
I will greatly appreciate any thoughts/tips you guys have on this. Thank you!
When uploading images via Paperclip to S3 bucket, it sometimes saves the files with a different filename than that returned by the attachment#url method. For example, an image is saved to
However calling @event.main_event_photo.url(:main) returns
So as you can see, the :hash section of the interpolation does not match, and I have no way of finding the actual url besides opening the bucket in the S3 console. This issue seems to occur about half the time. Sometimes uploading the exact same file does save properly, and the url method accesses it correctly.
This issue began occurring after we upgraded Rails/Ruby/Paperclip. We're now using:
- Ruby 2.1.5
- Rails 4.2.0
- Paperclip 4.2.1
Note that on development, files always save correctly (local filesystem). I have scoured Stackoverflow and Google to no avail. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you!
has_attached_file :main_event_photo, {
:styles => { :original => {:geometry => "1280x800#", :format => 'png'},
:main => {:geometry => "640x400#", :format => 'png'},
:thumb => {:geometry => "330x220#", :format => 'png'}
:convert_options => {:original => '-quality 80',
:main => '-quality 80',
:thumb => '-quality 80'
:default_style => :main
}.merge!(PAPERCLIP_STORAGE_OPTIONS) # this is defined in the config/environments
validates_attachment_content_type :main_event_photo, :content_type => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/x-png', 'image/pjpeg']
validates_attachment_presence :main_event_photo
Form (basically):
<%= simple_form_for(@event, :url => { :action => @event.id.nil? ? "create" : "update" }) do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :main_event_photo %>
<% end %>
Note we have many models with Paperclip attachments, and the issue occurs on each.