I have an external service that creates files and stores them into S3 (that my Rails app has access too).
I want to be able to use Paperclip in order to store that S3 object, as well as a thumbnail of it. I haven't been able to find documentation on how to use Paperclip with files that are already on S3. So, my code should look like:
page = Page.find(3)
page.s3_url = s3_url # I have the s3 route. And I would need to generate a thumbnail too.
So, in other words:
How can I tell PaperClip that my attachment is already in S3?
Here is what I have so far:
I know the file_name, the content_length and the content_type of the file that is already uploaded in S3. So, since the association is a Page has_attached_file :screenshot
This is what I do:
@page = Page.find(3)
@page.update_attributes(screenshot_content_type: screenshot_content_type, screenshot_file_size: screenshot_file_size, screenshot_update_at: screenshot_updated_at, screenshot_file_name: screenshot_file_name)
So, now I can do:
@page.screenshot and I see the paperclip object. However, when I do:
=> The url is not the one that I originally stored the image.