
I have categories and items tables. Each item belongs to only one category and each category has many items. So, in Category model I defined this relationship:

public function items()
{ return $this->hasMany('Item', 'catid'); }

and I retrieve data for a category this way:

$category = Category::find($id);
return View::make('admin.categories.catdetails')->with('category', $category);

and in my view I can loop through data:

 @foreach ($category->items as $item)
            <td> {{ $item->name }}  </td> 
            <td> {{number_format($item->price, 2, '.', '')}} </td>

but this results in all items in on page. How to make use of laravel pagination in case that I have so many items for one page?? How can I use

::paginate() // in controller or model
->links() // in view

as, so far, it throws many errors and I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


You can call paginate() on the relationship object, which you access by ->items() (not ->items)

$items = $category->items()->paginate(10);

return View::make('admin.categories.catdetails')
    ->with('category', $category)
    ->with('items', $items);

Then in your view:

@foreach ($items as $item)



You could use an attribute accessor to achieve what you want. In your model:

public function getPaginatedItemsAttribute(){
    return $this->items()->paginate(10);

And then you use it like this:

@foreach ($category->paginatedItems as $item)

