Using BrainTree API, is it possible to check if a credit card can be charged a certain amount before actually performing transaction? Lets say I have stored a customer's credit card token and before providing him with my service I want to make sure that that card can be charged a certain amount. Is it possible to achieve?
1 Answers
I work at Braintree. If you have more questions, you can always get in touch with our support team.
There are a couple of different ways to have confidence that you'll be able to charge a card when you're ready. They're outlined in the Braintree Article on Managing Authorizations.
Basically, you can either perform a card verification or one or more transactions that you void and don't submit for settlement. The second method is what you describe in the question; you verify you could charge a card an amount, but don't actually charge it (though you hold the funds temporarily until you void the charge or the charge expires).