With the old Braintree API it was possible to just store credit card details in the vault to charge later (for a variable subscription model). Is it possible to do this with their v.zero API? I looked at their documentation and it wasn't clear. It mentions it can do it with Paypal accounts but I'm not sure if this includes credit cards (no Paypal).
1 Answers
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
Yes! When a customer fills out their credit card information in the Drop-in it is processed by the Braintree API. Once complete, the client receives the payment method (i.e. credit card) nonce which should be sent to your server. This nonce can be used for a whole variety of tasks including simply storing in the vault, as you are trying to do:
result = Braintree::PaymentMethod.create(
:customer_id => "131866",
:payment_method_nonce => nonce_from_the_client
- Your client embeds the Drop-in
- User fills out data in Drop-in
- Client receives Nonce
- Client sends Nonce to server
- Server uses nonce to create a payment method in the vault