
I am currently trying to use strcat on two unsigned char but I keep getting a warning. Here is what I have for strcat:

unsigned char A[100],B[100];
A[0] = '1';
B[0] = '2';

I am trying to put them togther so that I get A as the combination of both of them. Any suggestions?

Post the warning you are getting?Karthikeyan.R.S
Do you need to initialise the rest of the array? Also should you assign the result to something?jnd
Add A[1] = B[1] = '\0'; then it will work. strcat assumes a few things. Also make sure to cast the arguments.Mohit Jain
How to ask a better question: change I keep getting a warning to the specific warning message.Yu Hao
strcat only stops when it reachs a NUL string termination character, both for the source string and for the destination string. Neither of the arrays 'A[]' nor 'B[]' currently have a string NUL termination character (in this case at A[1] and B[1], so strcat will keep looking for the end of the A[] string, even if that string is not within the bounds of the A[] array. Then it will append the characters in the B[] array until is encounters a NUL termination char even if that character is not within the bounds of the B[] array. I.E. this is undefined behaviour leading to a seg fault eventuser3629249

5 Answers

strcat((char *)A,(char *)B);

You are just initilizing the first character in the array and not the char array

Else you can

char A[100] = "";
char B[100] = ""; 

and later you can have

char A[0] = '1';
char B[0] = '2';

strcat() protoype is

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src)

So the passed type should be char *


The warning is because you are passing unsigned char* into a function that is meant for char*.

If you want to copy unsigned char, you should be using memcpy.

#include <string.h>

int main(){
    unsigned char A[100],B[100];
    A[0] =  '1';
    B[0] =  '2';
    memcpy(A + 1, B, 1);
    return 0;

You could do something like this

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char* ustrcat(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src) {
  unsigned int length_1 = 0;
  unsigned int length_2 = 0;
  // find the end of the first unsigned char string
  for (; dest[length_1] != '\0'; length_1++);
  //input unsigned chars into the string from that position to the end
  for (; src[length_2] != '\0'; length_2++)
    dest[length_1+length_2] = src[length_2];
  // place a NULL terminating character at the end
  dest[length_1+length_2] = '\0';
  return dest;

int main(){
  unsigned char A[100] = "",B[100] = "";
  A[0] = '1';
  B[0] = '2';
  printf("%s\n", A);
  return 0;

Basically I just rewrote the strcat function for unsigned char type


char, signed char and unsigned char are three separate types. That means you can't pass an unsigned char * to a function expecting a char * without a cast. Either change to simple char:

char A[100], B[100];

or add casts in your strcat() call:

strcat((char *)A, (char *)B);

Also - don't forget to null-terminate those strings!

A[1] = 0;
B[1] = 0;
unsigned char A[100]={0}, B[100]={0};  // initialize the array to end the strings

A[0] = '1';                            // initialize the two strings
B[0] = '2';

strcat(A,B);                           // and simply copy them