I'm sure this is simple, but as a complete newbie to python, I'm having trouble figuring out how to iterate over variables in a pandas
dataframe and run a regression with each.
Here's what I'm doing:
all_data = {}
for ticker in ['FIUIX', 'FSAIX', 'FSAVX', 'FSTMX']:
all_data[ticker] = web.get_data_yahoo(ticker, '1/1/2010', '1/1/2015')
prices = DataFrame({tic: data['Adj Close'] for tic, data in all_data.iteritems()})
returns = prices.pct_change()
I know I can run a regression like this:
regs = sm.OLS(returns.FIUIX,returns.FSTMX).fit()
but suppose I want to do this for each column in the dataframe. In particular, I want to regress FIUIX on FSTMX, and then FSAIX on FSTMX, and then FSAVX on FSTMX. After each regression I want to store the residuals.
I've tried various versions of the following, but I must be getting the syntax wrong:
resids = {}
for k in returns.keys():
reg = sm.OLS(returns[k],returns.FSTMX).fit()
resids[k] = reg.resid
I think the problem is I don't know how to refer to the returns column by key, so returns[k]
is probably wrong.
Any guidance on the best way to do this would be much appreciated. Perhaps there's a common pandas approach I'm missing.
for i in len(df): if i + 1 != len(df): # sm.OLS(returns[returns.coloumns[i]], returns[returns.columns[ i+1]]), fit()
os similar – EdChum