I am working on a Gatling simulation. For the life of me, I cannot get my code to reach 10000 requests per second. I have read the documentation and I keep messing with different methods and whatnot but my requests per second seems capped at 5000 requests per second. I have attached my current iteration of my code. The URL and path information is blurred out. Assume that I have no issue with the HTTP part of my simulation.
package computerdatabase
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
//import assertions._
class userSimulation extends Simulation {
object Query {
val feeder = csv("firstfileSHUF.txt").random
val query = repeat(2000) {
.get("/path/path/" + "${userID}" + "?fullData=true"))
val baseUrl = "http:URL:7777"
val httpConf = http
.baseURL(baseUrl) // Here is the root for all relative URLs
val scn = scenario("user") // A scenario is a chain of requests and pauses
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(1500) over (60 seconds)))
.throttle(reachRps(10000) in (2 minute),
holdFor(3 minutes))
Additionally, I would like to set the maximum threshold for a timeout to be 100ms. I have tried to do this with assertions and also editing the configuration files but it never seems to show up during the tests or in my reports. How can I set a request to KO if the request took longer than 100ms? Thank you for your help with this matter!