I'm having a lot of trouble making any sort of sense of this problem. I'm supposed to create a module for an 8 bit wide 2-to-1 multiplexer using Verilog.
The question:
Write a verilog module that uses 8 assignment statements to describe the circuit. Use SW[17] on the DE2 board as the s input, switches [7:0] as the X input, switches [15:8] as the Y input. Connect SW switches to the red lights LEDR and output M to the green light LEDG [7:0].
My code:
module example(M, X, Y, S)
input[15:0] SW;
input SW[17];
output [7:0] LEDR;
output [7:0] LEDG;
output [7:0] M;
wire [7:0] X = SW[7:0];
wire [7:0] Y = SW[15:8];
wire S = SW[17]
assign M[0] = X[0] & ~S | Y[8] & S;
assign M[1] = X[1] & ~S | Y[9] & S;
assign M[2] = X[2] & ~S | Y[10] & S;
assign M[3] = X[3] & ~S | Y[11] & S;
assign M[4] = X[4] & ~S | Y[12] & S;
assign M[5] = X[5] & ~S | Y[13] & S;
assign M[6] = X[6] & ~S | Y[14] & S;
assign M[7] = X[7] & ~S | Y[15] & S;
I don't understand how I'm supposed to assign m to the green LEDG[7:0] since I've already assigned each M to those conditional statements. Anyone know how to get around this?