
Is there a way to include an HTML partial from a Markdown file with Jekyll?


File index.md:

layout: default
title: Home

This is a [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) file.

{% include foobar.html %}

File _includes/foobar.html:


This unfortunately does not seem to work in my case.

For completeness, here is the entire content of my _config.yml file:

encoding: utf-8
markdown: kramdown
No problemo. Just do it !David Jacquel
Doesn't seem to work :) The <ul> and </ul> tags appear as plain text while the rest appears as code since it's indented with four spaces.François Beaune
I updated my question to include the content of my _config.yml file.François Beaune
Actually, you were right: raw HTML in Markdown files just work. I had other issues. Thanks for your help!François Beaune
Then maybe you can approve my answer.David Jacquel

2 Answers


A common reason the html shows up as plain text is when the html snippet is indented with at least four spaces.

This causes jekyll to interpret the html as a code block that is to be displayed literally.

(I know this was already mentioned in the comments, but it took me a while to find and understand that I had the exact same problem)


If the .md file you mentioned is located in _posts and the layout type is post, you can use markdown="0" or "1" to set related part as Markdown or HTML as you like because you configurated markdown to kramdown. Try following code:

layout: post
title: Home

# Markdown part

This is a [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) file.

<section id="categories" markdown="1">

A list of categories:

- foo
- bar


<div id="html" markdown="0">
<h1>HTML part</h1>



If the .md file you mentioned is located in _includes, _layouts or page, you can directly use your code or change the layout type to page:

layout: default
title: Home

This is a [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) file.

{% include foobar.html %}

See an example here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plusjade/jekyll-bootstrap/master/index.md.

Just enjoy.