I'm new to Jekyll and build a webpage using the TeXt Theme. I downloaded all files and created a local Jekyll website which runs successfully. The project folder contains the folders
- _data
- _includes
- _layouts
- _posts
- _sass
- _site
- assets
- docker
- docs
- screenshots
- test
- tools
The rest of the files in the folder are _config.yml, index.html, etc.
Now let's say I want to create a new page "Bio" that appears as an entry or name in the navigation bar at the top of the website like "about" or "archive".
I create a .md-file in the main project folder (i.e. where index.html lies) and specify in the front matter the layout - in the case of TeXt it is
layout: page
Also, in the _data folder I open the navigation.yml and append under "header" a new title called "Bio", i.e.
title: Bio
url: /Bio.html
This is completely analogue to the about-page that is in the navigation bar and works properly.
But when I do it like this with Bio I get a 404 error and Jekyll is not able to find the site.
I searched all folders of the project and found that Jekyll does not create the necessary.html-file Bio.html on the basis of Bio.md. It just moves Bio.md into _site.
Hence, the url given in the navigation.yml cannot be found and I get the error. How do I get Jekyll to create the Bio.html?