
I'm making a memory game in iOS. There is a 4x4 grid and I want to know the logic of how can I generate random numbers not greater than 4. These numbers will be assigned to 16 cells of 4x4 grid. But when I apply the functions of random numbers it generate lets say 2 6 times, but in a 4x4 grid I want it to generate one number max 4 times. Here is how I'm doing it:

for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
        int r = arc4random() % 4;
        NSLog(@"r = %d at i = %d",r,i);

But it generates one number more than 4 times. One more problem I just found that there is a chance that a number never occurs say 0 occurs 4 times, 2 occurs 8 times and 3 occurs 4 times so 1 will be skipped. Kindly address that problem too.

Please confirm - each number 0, 1, 2, and 3 should each appear exactly 4 times. Correct? That's the only way you can fill 16 spots where no one number happens more than 4 times.rmaddy
@rmaddy yes that is true. One more problem I just realized that there is a chance that a number never occurs. Kindly address that problem too.Chaudhry Talha
@TalhaCh Sorry, but you're not listening at all at this point. It's all in Bair's answer and in the comments below it.Lyndsey Scott
@TalhaCh Not possible. To fill 16 spots with 4 numbers where no one number can occur more than 4 times, this means all 4 numbers MUST occur exactly 4 times each.rmaddy
@LyndseyScott I got my answer. Which I was not getting before. :)Chaudhry Talha

2 Answers


You don't want to allow more than 4 of each 1 .. 4. Nevertheless, you want to fill a 4x4 grid, this implies that there must be 4 of each number. Assume otherwise, then you will end up with less than 16 numbers. What I recommend you do is create an array that contains four of each number and shuffle it using this answer and place the numbers appropriately.


You can generate random numbers between 1..4 which does not exceed 4 times of each numbers using this solution

//create the property to add the integers
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *myArray;

- (void)generateMyRandomArray {
    _myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
        NSInteger r = [self randomNumber];
        [self validateIfNumberExist:r];

    NSLog(@"my Array = %@", self.myArray); // this is resulted array between 1..4 each 4 times
    NSSortDescriptor *sort = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:nil ascending:YES];
    NSArray *result =[self.myArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[sort]];
    NSLog(@"Result Array = %@", result); //just to check 

- (void)validateIfNumberExist:(NSInteger)number {
    if ([self.myArray count] > 0) {
        NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF == %d", number];
        NSArray *resultArray = [self.myArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
        if ([resultArray count] < 4) {
             [self.myArray addObject:@(number)];
        } else {
            [self validateIfNumberExist:[self randomNumber]];
    } else {
        [self.myArray addObject:@(number)];

- (NSInteger)randomNumber {
    return 1 + arc4random_uniform(4);