The solution given by Shaunti Fondrisi is nearly perfect. But such a piece of code or codes like enqueue the execution of UICollectionView
's reloadData()
to NSOperationQueue
's mainQueue
indeed puts the execution timing to the beginning of the next event loop in the run loop, which could make the UICollectionView
update with a flick.
To solve this issue. We must put the execution timing of the same piece of code to the end of current event loop but not the beginning of the next. And we can achieve this by making use of CFRunLoopObserver
observes all the input source waiting activities and the run loop's entry and exit activity.
public struct CFRunLoopActivity : OptionSetType {
public init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
public static var Entry: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var BeforeTimers: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var BeforeSources: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var BeforeWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var AfterWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var Exit: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
public static var AllActivities: CFRunLoopActivity { get }
Among those activities, .AfterWaiting
can be observed when current event loop is about to end, and .BeforeWaiting
can be observed when the next event loop just has began.
As there is only one NSRunLoop
instance per NSThread
and NSRunLoop
exactly drives the NSThread
, we can consider that accesses come from the same NSRunLoop
instance always never cross threads.
Based on points mentioned before, we can now write the code: an NSRunLoop-based task dispatcher:
import Foundation
import ObjectiveC
public struct Weak<T: AnyObject>: Hashable {
private weak var _value: T?
public weak var value: T? { return _value }
public init(_ aValue: T) { _value = aValue }
public var hashValue: Int {
guard let value = self.value else { return 0 }
return ObjectIdentifier(value).hashValue
public func ==<T: AnyObject where T: Equatable>(lhs: Weak<T>, rhs: Weak<T>)
-> Bool
return lhs.value == rhs.value
public func ==<T: AnyObject>(lhs: Weak<T>, rhs: Weak<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value === rhs.value
public func ===<T: AnyObject>(lhs: Weak<T>, rhs: Weak<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value === rhs.value
private var dispatchObserverKey =
private var taskQueueKey =
private var taskAmendQueueKey =
private typealias DeallocFunctionPointer =
@convention(c) (Unmanaged<NSRunLoop>, Selector) -> Void
private var original_dealloc_imp: IMP?
private let swizzled_dealloc_imp: DeallocFunctionPointer = {
(aSelf: Unmanaged<NSRunLoop>,
aSelector: Selector)
-> Void in
let unretainedSelf = aSelf.takeUnretainedValue()
if unretainedSelf.isDispatchObserverLoaded {
let observer = unretainedSelf.dispatchObserver
if let original_dealloc_imp = original_dealloc_imp {
let originalDealloc = unsafeBitCast(original_dealloc_imp,
originalDealloc(aSelf, aSelector)
} else {
fatalError("The original implementation of dealloc for NSRunLoop cannot be found!")
public enum NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming: Int {
case NextLoopBegan
case CurrentLoopEnded
case Idle
extension NSRunLoop {
public func perform(closure: ()->Void) -> Task {
let task = Task(self, closure)
return task
public override class func initialize() {
struct Static {
static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
// make sure this isn't a subclass
if self !== NSRunLoop.self {
dispatch_once(&Static.token) {
let selectorDealloc: Selector = "dealloc"
original_dealloc_imp =
class_getMethodImplementation(self, selectorDealloc)
let swizzled_dealloc = unsafeBitCast(swizzled_dealloc_imp, IMP.self)
class_replaceMethod(self, selectorDealloc, swizzled_dealloc, "@:")
public final class Task {
private let weakRunLoop: Weak<NSRunLoop>
private var _invokeTiming: NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming
private var invokeTiming: NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming {
var theInvokeTiming: NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming = .NextLoopBegan
guard let amendQueue = weakRunLoop.value?.taskAmendQueue else {
fatalError("Accessing a dealloced run loop")
dispatch_sync(amendQueue) { () -> Void in
theInvokeTiming = self._invokeTiming
return theInvokeTiming
private var _modes: NSRunLoopMode
private var modes: NSRunLoopMode {
var theModes: NSRunLoopMode = []
guard let amendQueue = weakRunLoop.value?.taskAmendQueue else {
fatalError("Accessing a dealloced run loop")
dispatch_sync(amendQueue) { () -> Void in
theModes = self._modes
return theModes
private let closure: () -> Void
private init(_ runLoop: NSRunLoop, _ aClosure: () -> Void) {
weakRunLoop = Weak<NSRunLoop>(runLoop)
_invokeTiming = .NextLoopBegan
_modes = .defaultMode
closure = aClosure
public func forModes(modes: NSRunLoopMode) -> Task {
if let amendQueue = weakRunLoop.value?.taskAmendQueue {
dispatch_async(amendQueue) { [weak self] () -> Void in
self?._modes = modes
return self
public func when(invokeTiming: NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming) -> Task {
if let amendQueue = weakRunLoop.value?.taskAmendQueue {
dispatch_async(amendQueue) { [weak self] () -> Void in
self?._invokeTiming = invokeTiming
return self
private var isDispatchObserverLoaded: Bool {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &dispatchObserverKey) !== nil
private func loadDispatchObserverIfNeeded() {
if !isDispatchObserverLoaded {
let invokeTimings: [NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming] =
[.CurrentLoopEnded, .NextLoopBegan, .Idle]
let activities =
CFRunLoopActivity({ CFRunLoopActivity($0) })
let observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler(
true, 0,
let wrappedObserver = NSAssociated<CFRunLoopObserver>(observer)
private var dispatchObserver: CFRunLoopObserver {
return (objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &dispatchObserverKey)
as! NSAssociated<CFRunLoopObserver>)
private var taskQueue: [Task] {
get {
if let taskQueue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self,
as? [Task]
return taskQueue
} else {
let initialValue = [Task]()
return initialValue
set {
private var taskAmendQueue: dispatch_queue_t {
if let taskQueue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self,
as? dispatch_queue_t
return taskQueue
} else {
let initialValue =
return initialValue
private func handleRunLoopActivityWithObserver(observer: CFRunLoopObserver!,
activity: CFRunLoopActivity)
-> Void
var removedIndices = [Int]()
let runLoopMode: NSRunLoopMode = currentRunLoopMode
for (index, eachTask) in taskQueue.enumerate() {
let expectedRunLoopModes = eachTask.modes
let expectedRunLoopActivitiy =
let runLoopModesMatches = expectedRunLoopModes.contains(runLoopMode)
|| expectedRunLoopModes.contains(.commonModes)
let runLoopActivityMatches =
if runLoopModesMatches && runLoopActivityMatches {
extension CFRunLoopActivity {
private init(_ invokeTiming: NSRunLoopTaskInvokeTiming) {
switch invokeTiming {
case .NextLoopBegan: self = .AfterWaiting
case .CurrentLoopEnded: self = .BeforeWaiting
case .Idle: self = .Exit
With the code before, we can now dispatch the execution of UICollectionView
's reloadData()
to the end of current event loop by such a piece of code:
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().perform({ () -> Void in
In fact, such an NSRunLoop based task dispatcher has already been in one of my personal used framework: Nest. And here is its repository on GitHub:
after the viewDidAppear seems to solve the problem, its horrible workaround, and needs fix. I hope someone helps out here. – jasonIM