just getting my hands dirty with three.js and im curious on something that may be relatively simple…
I built a scene in the three.js editor and have figured out how to load the scene. In the editor, I added an image as a map texture but I realize it wont know where it is loaded externally on my server. So I've loaded the scene and objects and lights, but how can I map my textures to the objects?
var wireframe = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'textures/wireframe.jpg' );
wireframe.wrapS = wireframe.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
wireframe.repeat.set( 4, 4 );
var wireframeMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
map : wireframe,
side : THREE.DoubleSide
var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
loader.load( 'js/scene.js', function ( obj ) {
obj.traverse( function( node ) {
if ( node instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
node.castShadow = true;
node.receiveShadow = true;
var plane = scene.getObjectByName( "plane", true );
plane.material = wireframeMaterial;
scene.add( obj );
When adding plane.material = wireframeMaterial;
into the loader, all my objects just disappear… How can I properly map the wireframeMaterial the plane object?
working example with var plane
and plane.material
commented out:
Scene: http://goo.gl/BAVgVS