
I'm absolute newbie in Prolog and I'm struggling with this task:

"There is given a discontinuous graph on the input. Write Prolog program which on the output prints lists of every nodes of each graph component.:

Discontinuous graph on the input is represented by it's edges for example like this:


That means this particular graph have two components and on the output should be something like this:


I found on the net solution for similar problem - printing all graph nodes (http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1602084), but I can't even figure out how to modify this to apply it on my task to print each component of a discontinuous graph separately.

Thanks for any idea.

Try thinking of an algorithm, expressing it in ways that suit logic programming, try to write some clauses and then ask for help.Tudor Berariu
As an absolute newbie, start with simpler programs.false

1 Answers

connected_components(Cs) :-
    findall([X,Y], e(X,Y), Pairs),
    connect(Pairs, Cs).

connect(Ls, Cs) :-
    select(A, Ls, Rs),
    select(B, Rs, Ts),
    /* check if A & B can be merged in a list */
    !, connect([U|Ts], Cs).
connect(Cs, Cs).

My idea it's to start with all lists, then loop keep merging while there is some element sharing. It's a fixpoint computation. In Prolog, such code can be very compact, using library(lists).

I've 'hidden' two set operations calls (and 1 inequality), where you see the pseudocode /* check etc */ Hope you are interested in discovering such calls in the above library.

The output:

?- connected_components(Cs).
Cs = [[6, 3, 7, 8], [1, 4, 2, 5]].