Here's the Question I was given:
Define a Prolog predicate path(X,Y,G), where path(-,-,+), which is true when there is a path from node X to node Y in a directed graph G, where the graph is represented by a list of edges, each represented by a two-element list of the source and destination nodes.
Here's the sample output:
?- path(b,Y,[[a,b],[b,c],[b,d],[d,e]]).
Y = c ;
Y = d ;
Y = e ;
?- path(X,b,[[a,b],[b,c],[b,d],[d,e]]).
X = a ;
?- path(c,e,[[a,b],[b,c],[b,d],[d,e]]).
This is different to other examples I've seen online where the node traversals would be facts such as:
So I'm pretty stumped with it.
This is what I've gotten out so far:
path(X, Y, G) :-
G = [CurrentPair | EverythingElse],
CurrentPair = [X1 , Y1| _],
=(X, X1),
=(Y, Y1)
path(X, Y, EverythingElse).
Which seemed to work if the two nodes X and Y were in a pair/list together. But I'm not sure how to get it to traverse across nodes.
path(X, Y, [X,Y]) :- canTraverse(X, Y).
(and perhapspath(X, Y, [X,Y]) :- canTraverse(Y, X).
if it's not directional). Your other case should be the recursive case, which would look likepath(X, Y, [X|G]) :- canTraverse(X, Z), path(Z, G).
(and the symmetrical case, again, if it's not directional). – lurker=(X, X1)
, and after you make that change you wind up with no particular reason to break out all these variables at all:(G=[[X,Y]|EverythingElse]); path(X, Y, EverythingElse)
, which reveals thatEverythingElse
is unbound in your or-clause, which means you have unbounded recursion there. – Daniel Lyons