
I have a problem when trying adding ng-intro-options attribute on the element

The Code

var App = angular.module('MyApp', ['infinite-scroll', 'angular-intro']);
App.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.IntroOptions = {}

and the HTML

<body ng-controller="MyController" ng-intro-options="IntroOptions">

But AngularJS is throwing error mentioning the URL:


The error is thrown as soon as I add the attr for angular-intro on the body tag. I'm using angular 1.3.5

What is ngIntroOptions directive?Shashank Agrawal
use development version of angular (not min) for more verbose errors and stack trace outputcharlietfl

1 Answers


The is issue with the latest version of angular, Which is not stable version.

That issue is even reproducible with angular 1.3.0

It is working as expected with https://code.angularjs.org/1.2.27/angular.js which is stable release.

angular 1.2.27 Fidlle working as expected.

angular 1.3.0 and above Fidlle giving some error like you are getting. Check console

Switch back to stable version will solve your issue.

Hopefully it will helpful to you.