I am creating a GUI with MATLAB's GUIDE. Say, the GUI consists of an axis called axis1
and a slider called slider1
. Further say I wanted to plot something (e.g. a box) into axis1
and change the box's height with the slider.
I tried doing this by adding a listener to the slider like so:
hListener = addlistener(handles.slider1,'Value','PostSet',@(src,evnt)boxHeightChange(src,evnt, handles.figure1));
in the GUI's opening function. I further defined:
function boxHeightChange(src, event, figname)
handles = guidata(figname);
% delete "old" box
% bring axis in focus
% plot the new box (with changed size)
hold on; boxHandle = plotTheBox(event.AffectedObject.Value); hold off
handles.plottedHandle = boxHandle;
% update saved values
guidata(figname, handles);
This works, but always opens a new figure to plot the resizable box into instead of drawing into handles.axes1
. I do not understand why, since I call axes(handles.axes1);
and hold on;
Any idea that might explain the behavior?
? When you step through your code with the debugger, what line spawns the new figure window? – excaza