I am working on a big GUI, the essential structure of which is quite elementary and can be simply reduced to two interconnected controls (each one updates the value of the other): a slider and an edit box. The value they share is used to make a plot. If you run the following code, you find that you can change the value (by moving the slide or editing the box) only once. The second time, it will throw an error. The main questions are: WHY? HOW SHOULD GUIHANDLES BE USED INSTEAD?
function GuiHandleShare1
'Position',[5 5 50 20],...
'Position',[55 5 500 20],...
handles.axes=axes('OuterPosition',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8],...
function plotter
plot(handles.axes,[0 1],[0 str2num(get(handles.edit,'String'))])
function edit_callback(h,eventdata)
function slider_callback(h,eventdata)
I tried to find the answer by digging into the code of guihandles, but just as guidata, it is a wrapper for getappdata, setappdata, etc., the source of which is not available (Matlab R2008b).
I already know other solutions for a GUI of this kind: 1- Instead of using guihandles, guidata or others of that kind, I use global variables. 2- Use nested functions.
Nested functions is not an option in the case I'm working on because that would make the main function workspace a static workspace. This is not what I want because of the way I have to manage variables in the application. I ended up using global variables: I declared the handles as global inside every function that needs them and it is working fine. Does this have any disadvantage? I mean, if we can use global variables, why did Matlab come up with commands like guihandles, guidata, etc.?
one line before the plot line inside the plotter function. Otherwise, he probably try to plot it somewhere, in the same or in other figure, and crash. – Adiel