I'm just starting my first MEAN stack project and since Bootstrap included works on LESS (even though I would very much prefer Foundation 5 and SASS instead...) I am trying to figure out a way to actually get it displayed in browser.
I mean it doesn't seem to need compiling, since the source code inspect shows the source as xxx.less instead of xxx.css.
However, no changes in the filed are reflected in the browser. How do I do this automatically?
All the advice I've been given so far was to get less.js and use lessc in the CLI to compile to .css however, like I said, inspecting any element from a new, unaltered MEAN stack base shows the source as xxx.less (inspecting the navbar color for exemple shows the source as navbar.less) so why would I compile to .css?
gulp less
andgulp build
tasks that were pre-configured with the project. Something is probably buggy with this release. Did you ever solve it? I suspect the Gulp configuration needs to be refactored and built so it's less abstract. – Dave Alperovich