
I am using Windows 8.1 64 bit, Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server 2012. When I try to add a SQL Server database to the mvc solution in Visual Studio, it gives me following error:

Connection to sql server database files require sql server 2005 express or sql server 2008 asp net

Any thoughts?

Because you don't connect to database. You creating database file, which is part of the project. And for that you need Express version.T.S.
@T.S. Thanks. But why do I need express version if I already have the regular version?Ivancao
Again. You said When I try to add a SQL Server Database to the mvc solution - you're adding db file to your project. DB file is different beast. Full version of Sql Server doesn't work with it. Check this out stackoverflow.com/questions/5446316/…T.S.
The ability to have "free-floating" .mdf that you connect to using AttachDbFileName=...... in your connection string in an Express-only feature. The proper solution is to create the database on the SQL Server and reference it only using it's logical name and stop fiddling around with .mdf files - let SQL SErver handle that ....marc_s
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1 Answers


On 64-bit systems this error can be caused by 32/64 bit mismatch between Visual Studio and SQL Server Express. Microsoft published a fix regarding this issue, hope it helps:
