
Is it possible to encode video in Azure Media Services with chapter or timeline markers, and if so, how?

I understand that custom encoding presets are supported. Outside of Azure Media Services, I was able to do what I am speaking of using the Microsoft Expression Encoder SDK, but I have yet to find this capability in Azure's offerings.

Your question does not really suits the StackOverflow idea! Check stackoverflow.com/help/dont-ask for reference. On a side note, my finding is that Azure Media Encoder / Encryptor is actually a version or built on top of Expression Encoder. So if, you are able to exact the XML of task definition you do in Expression. Modify it a bit to fit the Azure encoder, you might get it working. I have some blog posts for features that were not there back in April-May Last year: bit.ly/14527r5 and bit.ly/1ACXIqYastaykov
I thank you for your comment. However, I non-argumentatively disagree that it does not belong on SO. This is not an opinion question, and it does not leave much subjectivity other than a person's opinion on a more practical solution. I am asking if it is possible and how? I am seeking "a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development," mentioned here stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic. Again, I thank you for your response.Alban
I would be interested to see what is possible ... does not impose simple answerable question...astaykov
Noted. I have removed that line as it could have been better stated that I am looking for the solution(s) (or to be pointed in the right direction) for adding markers for all of the encoding formats, not just smooth streaming. I am not looking for a broad "what is possible" for the encoding formats. I am simply looking for a "how" to do it as @AzureMediaServicesPMteam has provided.Alban

1 Answers


What do you intend to do with the chapter/timeline markers? If you intend to generate a progressive download MP4 (or WMV) file, then the above response holds. You can modify any of the published presets (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn619392.aspx) for Azure Media Encoder with the Markers element:

<MediaFile ...>
    GenerateThumbnail="True" />
    GenerateThumbnail="True" />


You would have to ensure that the Marker entries were within the timeline of the input video, of course.