
I am not sure if anyone has come across this scenario or has even made a solution but basically I am able to create simple Pie and Donut charts using Flot Charts. What I am looking for though is a scenario where there is a pie chart in the center and it is surrounded by a Donut Chart. Very similar to this question but that question is now 3 years old and was never really answered.

I tried creating two charts using the same DIV but then one just overwrites the other. I thought of creating two different charts on two different DIVs and having them overlap but that just doesnt seem like a clean approach that will also accommodate responsive behavior.

Any thoughts / suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance

Two overlapping DIVs/Canvases sounds like the easiest approach. Why would this not accommodate "responsive" behavior? You'll just have to size everything together.Mark
You can try to look at every js library which has donut charts on this page: socialcompare.com/en/comparison/… But I have never seen such charts and it is most probably that you will have to write your own plugin for an existing library.vortexwolf

1 Answers


The answer to this is not simple as some of the comments have already indicated but I did find something that comes pretty close - HighCharts. They do have a con-centric donut chart that gives exactly the look and feel desired - infact LinkedIn uses them to display their dashboard statistics. The downside to Highcharts is that it is a paid library and its not cheap if you are planning to deploy on a commercial web application

The alternative is to use MorrisCharts - http://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js/donuts.html

They do have some good donut charts that come pretty close to the need.