As answered in other questions you can't use the free Sharepoint Foundation 2013 for document management in MS Dynamics CRM 2013.
So I ask if there is a (good *) way of using document management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 without using Sharepoint?
(* good = easy to understand for non technical users and not too complicated to manage)
I search for a way to attach all kinds of documents to different entities like: - pictures to accounts (not profile picure) - PDF documents to account - ...
I know you can use notes.
I'm a bit confused because there are attachments on entities like email. Can I integrate these attachment-functions on other entities like accounts?
edit 18.12.2014
Yes, you can use Sharepoint Foundation, we make it work (SP Foundation 2010).
I can use documentmanagement with sharepoint, but not automated because the crmlistcomponent is not working.
Maybe someone from here can help me over there: My Question on Sharepoint stackexchange site