I'd like to have the colour selected from a Primefaces ColourPicker sent to my backend on change.
This seems not to be supported though.
<p:colorPicker value="#{colorView.colorPopup}" />
I can see it will submit the value when the page is submitted.
<p:colorPicker value="#{colorView.colorPopup}" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg').show();" update="grid" />
Even some Javascript being called on change would be great.
I would like the backing bean to updated on colour change, not just when I submit the form.
The main reason for this is that I have several colourpickers on the page and the form is submitted I don't know which value is from which colour picker.
value? Or is it that you have tested this and believe that the value is not updated before a non-ajax submit ? – yannicuLar