
I've some problems with propel 2.0. I followed step by step this guide http://propelorm.org/documentation/01-installation.html but when I try with vendor/bin/propel nothing shows up. I've been trying for days, even if I create the schema and the propel.php file, when I try to run propel sql:build it says "command not found propel". Do you know how I can fix this? Thanks!!

How did you run it? Describe every step exactly the way you tried it. If you don't, no one can help you.N.B.
I'm sorry, I'm quite newbie :) btw I've done exactly everything the guide says, so I've created the composer.json file, installed propel simply with curl -s getcomposer.org/installer | php and php composer.phar install There where no errors. The guide says that you can test the installation by vendor/bin/propel and the output is supposed to be a list of options, while it shows nothing.Dani
OK, and then the same question - what did you type and where? Do you even use linux or are you on windows? How did you try to run propel? What did you type? Where did you type it? There's no problem in being new to programming or computers in general, what's important is to mention exact steps so other people can reproduce them and help you. If you don't do that, we run in circles.N.B.
Ok, I'm really sorry for that! Once I created the composer.json in the project folder { "require": { "propel/propel": "~2.0@dev" } } I've opened putty, logged in, changed directories until i reached my project and downloaded propel with curl -s getcomposer.org/installer | php Then I installed it php composer.phar install. I can see all the new folders (in the vendor folder). Then I typed vendor/bin/propel, as the guide says, the command should output the propel version following by a list of the options and the available commands, but nothing shows up!Dani
Try typing ./vendor/bin/propel. Note the dot and slash. Also, make the file executable by using chmod +x vendor/bin/propel if the first command doesn't work properly.N.B.

1 Answers


I also ran into the same problem, turned out I had to use:

php propel init

to make it work, instead of:

propel init