I've installed the Propel ORM in my Zend Framework project with the following commands:
pear channel-discover pear.phing.info
pear install phing/phing
pear install Log
But always when I try to run propel-gen
I get the following error:
propel-gen: command not found
I've already looked at this post on stackoverflow and tried the following:
When I check
$ pear list
I get the following:When I run the following command:
pear config-get bin_dir
I get this: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.4/bin
I've checked my .bash_profile:
export PATH
I assume that this is correct?
I forgot to install propel but when I want to load the command
propel-gen om
I get the following erros:
(build.properties and schema.xml are in the same directory)